- It is not cost-efficient that sometimes we make ourselves exhausted just to importune something.
Narcissus ImportunedTHE FRIARY NEWSLETTER: Elemental Mingling Is the Best Therapy for Her ; She Will Be Importuned by Beggars, Then Addressed Wth Joshin...Dante and Virgil cross the Marsh of the Styx importuned by the DamnedMoslem worships where Egyptian gods were importuned, Luxor, Temple. Luxor, Egypt.NAIC Importuned To Move With Greater Speed On Sharpening Regulatory ProcessMethods and apparatuses for locating retail consumer productsContribution evasion: Implications for social security pension schemesWaste storage apparatusRole of the Official Sector in Sovereign Debt Workouts, TheCrossing Over: Authors Who Write Both Children's and Adults' Fiction