- He is the London's leading theatrical impresario.
Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War
The emperor as impresario: Producing the pageantry of power
From Guide on the Side to Impresario with a Scenario
Osteocyte: The impresario in the electrical stimulation for bone fracture healing ☆
The corporation as impresario: the municipal provision of entertainment in Victorian and Edwardian Bournemouth.
Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics by James D. Tracy
The Opera Industry in Italy from Cimarosa to Verdi: The Role of the Impresario
The Opera Industry in Italy from Cimarosa to Verdi: The Role of the Impresario. by John Rosselli
Inventing the Business of Opera: The Impresario and his World in Seventeenth-Century Venice. By Beth L. Glixon and Jonathan E. Glixon.
Beth L. Glixon and Jonathan E. Glixon. Inventing the Business of Opera: The Impresario and His World in Seventeenth-Century Venice...