Improv:a system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worldsImprov: a system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worldsPhase structure and critical temperature of two-flavor QCD with a renormalization group improved gauge action and clover improved Wi...Czarnecki, K., et al.: Formalizing cardinality-based feature models and their specialization. Softw. Process Improv. Pract. 10(1), 7...Anemia of chronic disease in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with increased apoptosis of bone marrow erythroid cells: improvement...Comparative analysis of Ig and TCR gene rearrangements at diagnosis and at relapse of childhood precursor-B-ALL provides improved st...Use of abciximab prior to primary angioplasty in STEMI results in early recanalization of the infarct-related artery and improved my...Biosynthetic human growth hormone preserves both muscle protein synthesis and the decrease in muscle-free glutamine, and improves wh...PFN/TRAC system FAA upgrades for accountable remote and robotics control to stop the unauthorized use of aircraft and to improve equ...Walther, P. & Ziegler, A. Freeze substitution of high-pressure frozen samples: the visibility of biological membranes is improved wh...