On selection of the bottleneck size in autoassociative learning-inadequateness of AIC and MDL, proposal of new criteriaSYSTEM FOR ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC DETECTION OF AN INADEQUATENESS BETWEEN THE STATE OF A PATIENT PLACED UNDER RESPIRATORY ASSISTANCE...On a cause of postoperative transient hypoalbuminemia (inadequateness of homologous serum albumin for the host).WHY ARE MONETARIST THEORY AND POLICY INADEQUATE FOR THE STIMULATION OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN CROATIA?Spinoza’nın Antropomorfizm Eleştirisi Ya Da Aklın Hayalgücünü İfşası ÜzerineThe Method of Main Peak Extraction Based on Multi-peak SignalAdressing addictionKernel methods, syntax and semantics for relational text categorizationAvoiding Boosting Overfitting by Removing Confusing SamplesImage processing system