- A device or substance, such as tear gas, used to incapacitate individuals temporarily, as in riot control.
Encapsulated photosensitive drugs by biodegradable microcapsules to incapacitate cancer cellsEstimates of glycolysis, pyruvate (de)carboxylation, pentose phosphate pathway, and methyl succinate metabolism in incapacitated pan...Horned lizards ( Phrynosoma ) incapacitate dangerous ant prey with mucusSudden death: aspects which incapacitate the carer.How do antibiotic-producing bacteria ensure their self-resistance before antibiotic biosynthesis incapacitates them?A monoclonal antibody interferes with TIMP-2 binding and incapacitates the MMP-2-activating function of multifunctional, pro-tumorig...Non-lethal electric apparel weaponAt Law: Incapacitated ResearchCancer genome landscapes.A Combinatorial Approach Defines Specificities of Members of the Caspase Family and Granzyme B FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS ESTABLISHED ...