InclinometerInclinometerInclinometerInclinometer systemAcceleration compensated inclinometerMicromachined inclinometer with high sensitivity and very good stabilityMicromachined inclinometer with high sensitivity and very good stabilityOptical inclinometer based on a single long-period fiber grating combined with a fused taperAnti-Sway Control of Container Cranes : Inclinometer, Observer, and State FeedbackReliability of the modified-modified Schöber and double inclinometer methods for measuring lumbar flexion and extensionLumbar range of motion: reliability and validity of the inclinometer technique in the clinical measurement of trunk flexibilityInter-observer reproducibility of measurements of range of motion in patients with shoulder pain using a digital inclinometerA standardized protocol for measurement of range of movement of the shoulder using the Plurimeter-V inclinometer and assessment of i...