Subtilium indagationum liber primus.Maintenance and Fault Indagation of PLCAtmospheres of indagation: disasters and the politics of excessivenessA Preliminary Report on the Indagation of the Longkou Paleolithic SiteIndagation of serum and salivary reactive oxygen metabolite and cortisol levels in chronic periodontitis and stress-induced chronic ...The Application of Segmented Bedrails Anti-falling Indagation Bed in Diagnosis and Treatment with Digestive EndoscopyThreading: A novel insilico indagation method for genetic characterization of some diplostomoid metacercariae (Digenea:Diplostomidae...On the intrinsic connexion in an x with an almost hermitian structur : (proceedings knaw series a, _5_8(1955), nr 1, indagationes ma...The north sea problem, 5; free motions of a rotating rectangular bay : (proceedings knaw series a, _6_3(1960), nr 5, indagationes ma...Indagine preliminare sull'efficacia di semi di pompelmo nella lotta contro la peste americanaPreliminary indagation on the efficienc...