- Yet just such a collapse becomes likely as foreign currency indebtedness grows.
随着外币债务增长,更可能发生其货币汇率大跌。 - Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful.
太大的恩惠不会激发感激之情,反而会引起报复心理。 - The reciprocity rule explains my feeling of indebtedness to Torre.
A Theory of Indebtedness
A Theory of Indebtedness
Maturity, Indebtedness and Default Risk
Maturity, Indebtedness, and Default Risk
Medical school tuition and young physicians' indebtedness
The debt of gratitude: Dissociating gratitude and indebtedness
Relationship between indebtedness and the specialty choices of graduating medical students.
Self-control, financial literacy and consumer over-indebtedness
Constitutional Limitations on Borrowing: An Analysis of State Bonded Indebtedness.
Microfinance in Times of Crisis: The Effects of Competition, Rising Indebtedness, and Economic Crisis on Repayment Behavior