- On the adjoining page we hand you an indent for various line, which please ship at once.
我们已将委托购买的各种商品在附页列明,请立即发运。 - A firm order is often called an indent.
- The fallen tree limb left a big indent on his car.
- The mountains indent the horizon.
山峦使地平线成锯齿状。 - Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
请于每段第一行缩格书写。 - We usually indent the first line of a paragraph.
我们常常把每段的第一行缩排。 - You should always indent for your office requirements well in advance.
Fully indentifiable optical fiber assemblies
A Discussion of Galaxies Indentified with Radio Sources.
The indent reflow sealing (IRS) technique-a method for the fabrication of sealed cavities for MEMS devices
Serotonin analog selectively ablates indentified neurons in the leech embryo.
Serotonin-induced hyperpolarization of an indentified Aplysia neuron is mediated by cyclic AMP
Evaluation of K Ic of brittle solids by the indentation method with low crack-to-indent ratios
Video distribution system allowing viewer access to time staggered indentical prerecorded programs
Methode und Reagenskombination zur Indentifikation von Mikroorganismen und die Anwendung der Sandwichhybridisierung von Nukleinsäur...
Three-dimensional investigation of the texture and microstructure below a nanoindent in a Cu single crystal using 3D EBSD and crysta...
Dental resin composites containing silica-fused whiskers—effects of whisker-to-silica ratio on fracture toughness and indentation p...