Sancha, infanta y reina de LeónThe prince and the infantaAna de Austria infanta de España y reina de FranciaHacia una clarificación del infantazgo en tiempos de la reina Urraca y su hija la infanta Sancha (ca. 1107-1159)Youth Council Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction in Infanta and Makati, Philippines: A Policy ReviewThe prince and the infanta. The cultural politics of the Spanish match. By Glyn Redworth. Pp. xiv+200 incl. 18 ills+25 colour plates...Social Characteristics and Vulnerabilities of Disaster-Prone Communities in Infanta, Quezon, PhilippinesDebris Flow Simulation using FLO-2D on the 2004 Landslide Area of Real, General Nakar, and Infanta, Philippines[Pharmacotherapy follow-up for patients admitted to the Internal Medicine Department of Hospital Infanta Margarita]Seguimiento farmacoterapeútico en pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Infanta Margarita