- T.-- or energy technology -- will be as big as I.T.
到那时,能源技术将与信息技术同等重要。 - Communication and information technology leads modern industry.
User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View
Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models
Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models.
Information technology as competitive advantage: the role of human, business, and technology resources
Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology
(2003). User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS quarterly, 425-478.
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology
Development of an Instrument to Measure the Perceptions of Adopting an Information Technology Innovation.
Acute renal failure – definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and information technology needs: the Second Inter...