- She looked at him with an ingenuous smile.
她带着天真的微笑望着他。 - He is too ingenuous in believing what people say.
他太天真,轻信别人的话。 - She's an ingenuous country girl.
她是个单纯的乡村姑娘。 - It was his ingenuous smile that won Deborah's heart.
是他率直的微笑赢得了黛博拉的芳心。 - She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers'entire question.
Standby: Ingenuous solution
An ingenuous Account of the Doctrine of the Mean
Ingenuous and Innovation Extension of English Wording Through Imagery
Ingenuous Subjection:Compliance and Power in the Eighteenth-Century Domestic Novel
Ingenuous Subjection: Compliance and Power in the Eighteenth-Century Domestic Novel (review)
An ingenuous look at structural optimization. Uno sguardo ingenuo sull’ottimizzazione strutturale
Emergy and emergy algebra explained by means of ingenuous set theory
Ingenuous interpretation of elevated blood levels of macromolecular markers of myocardial injury: a recipe for confusion
"Those candid and ingenuous vivisectors": Frances Power Cobbe and the anti-vivisection controversy in Victorian Britain, 1870-1904
Improving Housing Durability in Deprived Settlements of Lagos Megacity through Ingenuous Use of Sustainable Indigenous Materials