Biology, status and conservation of Inia geoffrensis in the Amazon and Orinoco River basinsUnihemispheric slow-wave sleep in the Amazonian dolphin, Inia geoffrensisStreptococcus iniae sp. nov., a beta-hemolytic Streptococcus isolated from an Amazon freshwater dolphin, Inia geoffrensisThe Gonads of the South American Dolphins, Inia geoffrensis, Pontoporia blainvillei, and Sotalia fluviatilisRIVERINE HABITAT PREFERENCES OF BOTOS (INIA GEOFFRENSIS) AND TUCUXIS (SOTALIA FLUVIATILIS) IN THE CENTRAL AMAZONThe Mycobacterium tuberculosis iniA gene is essential for activity of an efflux pump that confers drug tolerance to both isoniazid a...DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF THE AMAZON RIVER DOLPHIN (INIA GEOFFRENSIS) AND THE TUCUXI (SOTALIA FLUVIATILIS) IN THE UPPER AMAZON R...Molecular identification of evolutionarily significant units in the Amazon River dolphin Inia sp. (Cetacea: Iniidae).IV. Description of the Skeleton of Inia geoffrensis and of the Skull of Pontoporia blainvillii, with Remarks on the Systematic Posit...River dolphins and flooded forest: seasonal habitat use and sexual segregation of botos (Inia geoffrensis) in an extreme cetacean en...