Comparative study of the inial spikes of SGR giant flares in 1998 and 2004 observed with GEOTAIL: Do magnetospheric instabilities tr...Anomalies in the Supra-inial Portion of the Occipital Bone, resulting from Irregularities of its Ossification, with Consequent Varia...Subversive verses : the sublim(inial)ity of hybrid cultures and sexualitiesInial studies of isolated kidney perfusion.Henri Davignon, Ecrivain beige. By Sister Marguerite Félicie InialStudies on epidinial hemicellulase from the rumen of goat [India].The shipping industry and the industrial revolution in Britain (9) The influence of reciprocity treaties relating to coloinial tradeCryptoKitties, gattini al posto della moneta virtuale: il gioco dove girano milioni di dollariNARRATIVE TIME IN VACINI AL-ERJ'S NOVEL RAMADAL-SHARGUna nota sui contributi di Augusto Graziani e di Paolo Sylos Labini al dibattito sulla natura dell’offerta di moneta (What do we kn...