- He questioned her in a cold inquisitorial voice.
他像个审判官似的冷冷质问她。 - An English information was inquisitorial in nature.
英格兰诉讼本质上是调查审问式的。 - The press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism.
Conceptions of the Trial in Inquisitorial and Adversarial Procedure
Evidence production in adversarial vs. inquisitorial regimes
Reflections on Two Models: Inquisitorial Themes in American Criminal Procedure
Our Inquisitorial Tradition: Equity Procedure, Due Process, and the Search for an Alternative to the Adversarial
Adversarial versus inquisitorial justice : psychological perspectives on criminal justice systems
International criminal procedure: "adversarial", "inquisitorial"or mixed?
An experimental comparison of adversarial versus inquisitorial procedural regimes
"Myth of Judicial Supervision in Three Inquisitorial Systems: France, Italy, and Germany, The"
The Myth of Judicial Supervision in Three "Inquisitorial"Systems: France, Italy, and Germany
England Limits the Right to Silence and Moves Towards an Inquisitorial System of Justice