- The inseparability between production and consumption in service makes the entry mode of the service multinationals quite different from the manufacture multinationals.
Inseparability Criterion for Continuous Variable SystemsInseparability Criterion for Continuous Variable SystemsInseparability criteria for continuous bipartite quantum states.On the inseparability of grammar and the lexicon: Evidence from acquisition.Deciding inseparability and conservative extensions in the description logic ☆Information-theoretic aspects of inseparability of mixed states.On the Inseparability of Mental and Physical Health in Aged Persons: Lessons From Depression and Medical Comorbidity.Contractual commitments , bargaining power , and governance inseparability : In ...Horodecki, P. Separability criterion and inseparability mixed states with positive partial transposition. Phys. Lett. A 232, 333-339Contractual Commitments, Bargaining Power and Governance Inseparability: Incorporating History into Transaction Cost Theory