Left-right patterning from the inside out: widespread evidence for intracellular control.PKCγ Regulates Syndecan-2 Inside-Out Signaling during Xenopus Left-Right DevelopmentMethod for detecting portable transmitter left inside vehicleExternal and endoluminal analysis of left atrial anatomy and the pulmonary veins in three-dimensional reconstructions of magnetic re...Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam In Britain, What I SawInside And Why I Left, TheMethod for preventing misuse of transponders left inside a vehiclePulsed ultrasonic Doppler velocity measurements inside a left ventricular assist device.Guided Modes with a Linearly Varying Transverse Field Inside a Left-Handed Dielectric SlabThree-dimensional structure of the flow inside the left ventricle of the human heartThe Tale of a Troubled TimeThe Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain, What I Saw Inside and Why I Left by Ed Husain