Insolubility and redistribution of GPI-anchored proteins at the cell surface after detergent treatment.Overcoming the insolubility of carbon nanotubes through high degrees of sidewall functionalization.Hyperphosphorylation and insolubility of alpha-synuclein in transgenic mouse oligodendrocytes.Detergent insolubility of alkaline phosphatase during biosynthetic transport and endocytosis. Role of cholesterol.Selective insolubility of alpha-synuclein in human Lewy body diseases is recapitulated in a transgenic mouse model.Insolubility of lipids in triton X-100: physical origin and relationship to sphingolipid/cholesterol membrane domains (rafts).Alzheimer's Disease: Insolubility of Partially Purified Paired Helical Filaments in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and UreaBarnacle cement proteins. Importance of disulfide bonds in their insolubilityCholesterol and sphingolipid enhance the Triton X-100 insolubility of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins by promoting th...Both sphingolipids and cholesterol participate in the detergent insolubility of alkaline phosphatase, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol...