- He was able to locate his relatives through the instrumentality of the police.
How goal instrumentality shapes relationship evaluations.
The instrumentality of attitudes: Toward a neofunctional theory.
Spirit Possession Revisited: Beyond Instrumentality
Instrumentality theory of work motivation: Some experimental results and suggested modifications.
Masculine Instrumentality and Feminine Expressiveness: Their Relationships with Sex Role Attitudes and Behaviors
Gender, instrumentality, and expressivity: Moderators of the relation between stress and psychological symptoms during adolescence
The role of different types of instrumentality in motivation, study strategies, and performance: know why you learn, so you'll know ...
Disentangling role perceptions: How perceived role breadth, discretion, instrumentality, and efficacy relate to helping and taking c...
Disentangling the effects of voice: The incremental roles of opportunity, behavior, and instrumentality in predicting procedural fai...
Psychological contract and organizational citizenship behavior in China: investigating generalizability and instrumentality.