- It is the maximum the insurance company will pay.
这是保险公司所能付给的最大金额。 - I have been a secretary in an insurance company.
我一直在一家保险公司担任秘书工作。 - The insurance agent receives a commission on every policy that he sells.
保险代理人每卖出一张保险单便可得到一笔佣金。 - An insurance company shall establish a registration book of their insurance agents.
Insurance Agent
Insurance Agent
Insurance Agent
The Incentive Mechanism of Insurance Agent: A Long-term Model
Predicting insurance agent turnover using a video-based situational judgment test.
Predictive Validation of an Insurance Agent Support Person Selection Battery
An analysis of factors affecting life insurance agent sales performance
Impact of Sales Supervisor Leadership Behavior on Insurance Agent Attitudes and Performance
The Application of Principal-agent Theory in the Incentive Mechanism of Insurance Agent
The departure of the insurance agent: The impact organizational commitment, organizational justice, and job satisfaction have on int...
An Empirical Investigation into Undergraduate Student Career Interest in Being an Insurance Agent
Parking Crashes and Parking Assistance System Design: Evidence from Crash Databases, the Literature, and Insurance Agent Interviews