- Letting animals feed continuely continually and intensefally intensively in the same grazing area can require costly replanting.
Sustained productivity in intensively managed forest plantations.
Ecology Of White-Tailed Deer In An Intensively Farmed Region Of Illinois
Potential nutritional strategies for intensively managed cattle during thermal stress. J Anim Sci
H7N1 avian influenza in Italy (1999 to 2000) in intensively reared chickens and turkeys
Disturbance, Nitrogen Availability, and Nitrogen Losses in an Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Plantation
Relationship between early intensively antihypertensive therapy and hematoma,perihermatomal brain edema of hypertensive intracerebra...
Initial swim bladder inflation in intensively reared Australian bass larvae, Macquaria novemaculeata (Steindachner) (Perciformes : P...
Cytogenetics and age are major determinants of outcome in intensively treated acute myeloid leukemia patients older than 60 years: r...
Effectiveness of new agri-environment schemes in providing foraging resources for bumblebees in intensively farmed landscapes
Chemical composition and nutritive value of the winter pea-cereal mixture, maize and sunflower on intensively cultivated soil