Interelectronic moments of atoms in position and momentum spacesThe Influence of Interelectronic Collisions on Conduction and Breakdown in Polar CrystalsThe Influence of Interelectronic Collisions on Conduction and Breakdown in Covalent Semi-ConductorsRESEARCH NOTES: The Influence of Interelectronic Collisions and of Surfaces on Electronic ConductivityA formulation of multiple-reference CI with terms linear in the interelectronic distancesWave functions with terms linear in the interelectronic coordinates to take care of the correlation cusp. I. General theoryA formulation of multiple-reference CI with terms linear in the interelectronic distances. II. An alternative ansatzWave functions with terms linear in the interelectronic coordinates to take care of the correlation cusp. II. Second‐order Mo/ller...Coupled cluster theory that takes care of the correlation cusp by inclusion of linear terms in the interelectronic coordinatesAn improved long-range corrected hybrid functional with vanishing Hartree-Fock exchange at zero interelectronic distance (LC2gau-BOP).