- At this point, however, he may have performed several interlaced functions, only some of which are undesirable.
Interlaced optical force-fluorescence measurements for single molecule biophysics.
Processing of interlaced images in 4-10 MeV dual energy customs system for material recognition
Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
Eukaryotic transcription: an interlaced network of transcription factors and chromatin-modifying machines.
Robust methods for high-quality stills from interlaced video in the presence of dominant motion
An Investigation of the Self-Assembly of Neutral, Interlaced, Triple-Stranded Molecular Braids
Reliable motion detection/compensation for interlaced sequences and its applications to deinterlacing
Motion estimation and compensation of video object planes for interlaced digital video
Self-assembly of an interlaced triple-stranded molecular braid with an unprecedented topology through hydrogen-bonding interactions.
Sequence of introns and flanking exons in wild-type and box3 mutants of cytochrome b reveals an interlaced splicing protein coded by...