- The statement is interpretable to most people.
Comparing computer-interpretable guideline models: a case-study approachLearning accurate, compact, and interpretable tree annotationGeneration of a set of simple, interpretable ADMET rules of thumb.InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial NetsA neuro-fuzzy approach to obtain interpretable fuzzy systems for function approximationA neuro-fuzzy approach to obtain interpretable fuzzy systems for function approximationApproaches for creating computer-interpretable guidelines that facilitate decision supportA simple, assumption-free, and clinically interpretable approach for analysis of modified Rankin outcomes.GLIF3: a representation format for sharable computer-interpretable clinical practice guidelinesGleeson, M. P. Generation of a set of simple, interpretable ADMET rules of thumb. J. Med. Chem. 51, 817-834