- Interwoven Moonlight crystals and crystal pearls gleam and highlight the creation.
闪烁交织的月光色水晶与水晶珍珠,是作品的特色设计。 - Wookiees inhabit the upper levels of the forest, having built their massive cities within the interwoven canopy.
Interwoven metal-organic framework on a periodic minimal surface with extra-large pores.
Interwoven two- and three-dimensional coordination polymers through self-assembly of Cu I cations with linear bidentate ligands
Information behavior in dynamic group work contexts: interwoven situational awareness, dense social networks and contested collabora...
An Interwoven Supramolecular Cage
Information behavior in dynamic group work contexts: interwoven situational awareness, dense social networks and contested collabora...
Exceptional Self-Penetrating Networks Containing Unprecedented Quintuple-Stranded Molecular Braid, 9-Fold Meso Helices, and 17-Fold ...
Visualizing gene expression in living mammals using a bioluminescent reporter.
Blending Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods in Theses and Dissertations.
Alkali metal cation effects on hydrogen uptake and binding in metal-organic frameworks.
Coloniality in the Yellow-rumped Cacique as a defense against nest predators.