- The gathering together of properties to ensure an equal division of the total for distribution, as among the heirs of an intestate parent.
Ghana Reforms the Law of Intestate Succession
Wives, Children, and Intestate Succession in Ghana
Matriliny and the New Intestate Succession Law of Ghana
Women's property relations after intestate succession PNDC LAW 111 in Ghana
Intestate succession Of Spouses According To The Austrian General Civil Code On The Croatian-Slavonian Legal Area
The Ithna Ashari Law of Intestate Succession: An Introduction to Shia Law Applicable in South Asia
Intestate Succession and Heir Property: Implications for Future Research on the Persistence of Poverty in Central Appalachia
An Accrual/Multi-Factor Approach to Intestate Inheritance Rights for Unmarried Committed Partners
Mixing South African Common and Customary Law of Intestate Succession : "Potjiekos""in the Making
Public Attitudes about Property Distribution at Death and Intestate Succession Laws in the United States