Peranan dan Keberhasilan Histeroskopi pada Wanita Infertil[Myomectomy: laparoscopy or laparotomy][Transarterial embolization for uterine fibroids: clinical success rate and results of magnetic resonance imaging]Erratum zu: Sonographie in der Gynäkologie – Teil 2: suspekte und pathologische BefundeIsolation of crosslinked peptides from insoluble human leiomyoma. The involvement of the N-terminal, non-helical region of type III ...Behandlung von Uterusmyomen durch intravaginale Verabreichung einer niedrigen Dosis eines selektiven Progesteronrezeptormodulators, ...Sonographic Findings in an Infarcted Sigmoid Appendix Epiploica During PregnancyUterine LesionsSevere delayed postpartum hemorrhage due to a neglected uterine diverticulum: a case report.Utility of First Trimester Ultrasonography before 11 Weeks of Gestation: A Retrospective Study