intrauterine device子宫内避孕器(略作IUD)
- It's a type of loop-shaped intrauterine device.
Intrauterine programming of ageing
Intrauterine infection and preterm delivery.
Intrauterine transmission of cytomegalovirus to infants of women with preconceptional immunity.
Intrauterine exposure to diabetes conveys risks for type 2 diabetes and obesity: a study of discordant sibships.
Long-term effects of the intrauterine environment. The Northwestern University Diabetes in Pregnancy Center
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after intrauterine and neonatal insults: a systematic review.
Intrauterine growth of live-born Caucasian infants at sea level: standards obtained from measurements in 7 dimensions of infants bor...
Assisted reproductive technology and intrauterine inseminations in Europe, 2005: results generated from European registers by ESHRE ...
Increased apoptosis in the syncytiotrophoblast in human term placentas complicated by either preeclampsia or intrauterine growth ret...
Human neutrophil collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase 8) in parturition, premature rupture of the membranes, and intrauterine infec...