information intrusiveness资讯侵入
illness intrusiveness ratingscale疾病生活干扰评估量表
Butthesystemstillrelies onahigh degreeofintrusivenessandcommunalpressureto achievetargets.
Somein theInternationalAtomic EnergyAgencywant touseitsspecialinspectionauthorities toincrease its presence in Syria,butDamascusisn'tlikelyto allowsuchintrusiveness.
In addition toproactivelymonitoringyourlocation,Aloqacanalsosend out"pushnotifications"based on yourownpreferencesforthetypesofalertsandlevelsofintrusiveness you want.
Jealousy, intimate abusiveness, and intrusiveness
Maternal intrusiveness in infancy and child maladaptation in early school years.
Measuring the Intrusiveness of Advertisements: Scale Development and Validation
The Illness Intrusiveness Rating Scale: A measure of severity in individuals with hyperhidrosis
Illness intrusiveness and quality of life in end-stage renal disease: Comparison and stability across treatment modalities.
Maternal Intrusiveness, Maternal Warmth, and Mother–Toddler Relationship Outcomes: Variations Across Low-Income Ethnic and Accultur...
Self-concept as a "BMT patient", illness intrusiveness, and engulfment in allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients
The emotional impact of end-stage renal disease: importance of patients' perception of intrusiveness and control.
Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance: Antecedents and Consequences of the Perceived Intrusiveness of Pop-up Ads
Structure of Lifestyle Disruptions in Chronic Disease: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Illness Intrusiveness Ratings Scale