- Therefore this psychology preceded the inundation of Caudillo politics after ...
在独立后,这一心态助长了考迪罗主义的泛滥。 - After the inundation, things were scatter about in a mess everywhere.
Inundation Dynamics in Braided Floodplains: Tagliamento River, Northeast Italy
Objective delineation of lahar-inundation hazard zones
Global inundation dynamics inferred from multiple satellite observations, 1993–2000
Survey of 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami inundation and run‐up
Surface water inundation in the boreal-Arctic: potential impacts on regional methane emissions
Satellite remote sensing of river inundation area, stage, and discharge: a review
Dual-season mapping of wetland inundation and vegetation for the central Amazon basin
Satellite remote sensing of earthquake, volcano, flood, landslide and coastal inundation hazards
Notes on the vegetation of amazonia III. The terminology of amazonian forest types subject to inundation
Uncertainty in the calibration of effective roughness parameters in HEC-RAS using inundation and downstream level observations