The Relation Between Price Changes and Trading Volume: A SurveyCell surface assembly of lipoprotein(a) in primary cultures of baboon hepatocytes.Simulations of Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic TurbulenceLoss of division potential in vitro: aging or differentiation?Masses of Neutron Stars and Black Holes in X-Ray BinariesSYSTEMATICS OF THE ORDOVICIAN TRILOBITES ISCHYROTOMA AND DIMEROPYGIELLA, WITH SPECIES FROM THE TYPE IBEXIAN AREA, WESTERN U.S.AExistence of a solution to a coupled elliptic systemThe formation of disc galaxies in a cosmological context: structure and kinematicsThe humanities curriculum project: The rationaleDynamics of Atlantic water advection to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea — a time-slice record of carbonate distribution in the last 300...