Analogy: Or ungrammatical sequences that are utterable and comprehensible are the origins of new grammars in language acquisition an...Frenchness and Ethnoracial Minorities: the Frame of Utterable Discourses in the Public SphereUn-Utterable Longing: The Discourse of Feminine Sexuality in The AwakeningThe Utterable and Unutterable Anthropological Meaning of the Body in the Context of Organ TransplantationThe unutterable / the utterable: pretentious literature and involved literature according to Belén GopeguiMethod and apparatus for supporting a downhole component in a downhole drilling toolGender identity disorder in boys: The interface of constitution and early experienceA reassessment of the couch in psychoanalysisA long-term study of tree seedling recruitment in southern Appalachian forests: the effects of canopy gaps and shrub understories.A few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world