A Solution for the Teaching of the Investigatory Paper
Neglected aspects of exploratory and investigatory behavior
Male hamster investigatory and copulatory responses to vaginal discharge: Relationship to the endocrine status of females
Decreased locomotor and investigatory exploration after denervation of catecholamine terminal fields in the forebrain of rats.
Male hamster investigatory and copulatory responses to vaginal discharge: An attempt to impart sexual significance to an arbitrary c...
Effects of apomorphine and amphetamine on patterns of locomotor and investigatory behavior in rats.
L-Dopa repairs deficits in locomotor and investigatory exploration produced by denervation of catecholamine terminal fields in the f...
Mesolimbicocortical dopamine terminal fields are necessary for normal locomotor and investigatory exploration in rats.
Oestrogen receptor alpha is essential for female-directed chemo-investigatory behaviour but is not required for the pheromone-induce...
Behavioral analysis of the effect of substance P injected into the ventral mesencephalon on investigatory and spontaneous motor beha...