IpecacuanhaipecacuanhaIpecacuanhaSyrup of ipecacuanha: is it really useful?Alkaloid biosynthesis. IX. The ipecacuanha alkaloids.Emetic alkaloid formation in root culture of Cephaelis ipecacuanhaResidual gastric content after gastric lavage and ipecacuanha-induced emesis in self-poisoned patients: an endoscopic study.A comparison of the efficacy of gastric lavage, ipecacuanha and activated charcoal in the emergency management of paracetamol overdoseThe New β-D-Glucosidase in Terpenoid-Isoquinoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Psychotria ipecacuanhaDistyly and variation in floral traits in natural populations of Psychotria ipecacuanha (Brot.) Stokes (Rubiaceae)Responses of plasma oxytocin and arginine vasopressin to nausea induced by apomorphine and ipecacuanhaEnantioselective Total Syntheses of the Ipecacuanha Alkaloid Emetine, the Alangium Alkaloid Tubulosine and a Novel Benzoquinolizid...Production of emetine and cephaeline from cell suspension and excised root cultures of Cephaelis ipecacuanha