'Irrefragable Answers' Using Comparable Corpora to Retrieve Translation Equivalents
Certaine Irrefragable Propositions Worthy of Serious Consideration. by I.H. B. of Exon (1639)
Good Faith and Fair Dealing: The Well-Nigh Irrefragable Need for a New Standard in Public Contract Law
Whistleblowing in the United States of America: “Irrefragable Proof” and the Next Generation of U.S. Government Whistleblower Rights
Whistleblowing in the United States of America: “Irrefragable Proof” and the Next Generation of U.S. Government Whistleblower Rights
Reading Renunciation
The Body in Question: MFA Thesis- Sculpture
Devereux - Book 1 - Chapter 14. Being A Chapter Of Trifles
Vladimir Jankélévitch. Les paradoxes d'une éthique résistante - Cairn.info