- The program incorrectly classifies this triangle as a scalene triangle instead of classifying it as an isosceles triangle.
Finite element simulations of natural convection flow in an isosceles triangular enclosure filled with a porous medium: Effects of v...
Laminar Natural Convection in Isosceles Triangular Enclosures Heated From Below and Symmetrically Cooled From Above
On Birkhoff orthogonality and isosceles orthogonality in normed linear spaces
Thermal characterization of turbulent flow in a channel with isosceles triangular ribs ☆
Triple collision in the planar isosceles three body problem
Antiferromagnetic Exchange Interaction among the Three Spins Placed in an Isosceles Triangular Configuration in 2,4-Dimethoxy-1,3,5-...
Unidirectional lasing from a microcavity with a rounded isosceles triangle shape
Entropy generation due to natural convection in non-uniformly heated porous isosceles triangular enclosures at different positions
The Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Theory of Chemical Reactions. VThe Reaction of Three Hydrogens in Isosceles Triangular Conformations
Beam splitter and laser marking apparatus