A historical comparison of parental involvement of three generations of Japanese Americans (Isseis, Niseis, Sanseis) in the educatio...Japanese language education in Brazil and spoken language of Nikkei IsseisA alternância de código nas falas de nipo-brasileiros de Aliança e Fukuhaku-mura dos informantes isseis na pesquisa: as línguas ...The alternation of code in the discourse of Japanese-Brazilians on Alliance and Fukuhaku-mura of informants isseis in research: the ...Japanese-American Episcopalians During World War II: The Legacy of the IsseisUrgent anthropology, gerontology, and a vanishing people in the United States: the Isseis (Japanese)Mauch : Ein offenes Wort zum Fall IsseisUne evaluation de la distance entre les lois d''une semimartingale et d''un processus a accroisseivients independantsAgriculture at the Gila River Concentration Camp : Towards a Re-evaluation of the Issei's Wartime Survival StrategiesForgotten Japanese Issei Immigrants in Montana : Reproducing Their Experiences from the Nisei's Memoirs and Issei's Interviews