The Potential of Electric Exhaust Gas Turbocharging for HD Diesel EnginesIVECO车身视觉检测系统现场溯源研究Study of Field Traceability of Visual Inspection System of IVECO BodyIVECO40-10轻型客车车架建模与动态特性分析研究IVECO汽车悬架系统性能参数设计方法The Advanced Iveco Cursor 10 Heavy Duty Truck Diesel EngineDer neue Dieselmotor Cursor 8 von IvecoThe Influence of Fuel Properties and Injection Timing on the Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Consumption of an Iveco Heavy-Duty Diesel En...IVECO A40BX车身模态分析与研究IVECO越野汽车动力传动系统动态特性的试验研究