- He kicked open the crazy door of the jakes .
Jakes fading model revisitedJakes fading model revisitedW.C.Jakes: “Microwave mobile communicationsThe Jakes fading model for antenna arrays incorporating azimuth spreadThe Jakes fading model incorporating angular spread for a disk of scatterersModified Jakes' model for simulating multiple uncorrelated fading waveformsMODIFIED JAKES' MODEL FOR SIMULATING MULTIPLE UNCORRELATED FADING WAVEFORMSSecond-order statistical properties of the WSS Jakes' fading channel simulatorGötz, J, Probst, A, Spillantini, MG, Schäfer, T, Jakes, R, Bürki, K et al.. Somatodendritic localization and hyperphosphorylation...Goedert M, Cuenda A, Craxton M, Jakes R, Cohen PActivation of the novel stress-activated protein kinase SAPK4 by cytokines and cellu...