Characteristics Relating to Ovarian Cancer Risk: Collaborative Analysis of 12 U.S. Case-Control Studies: II. Invasive Epithelial Ova...
Imagens como estratégia metodológica em pesquisa: a fotocomposi??o e outros caminhos possíveis
Estudantes surdos no ensino superior: reflex?es sobre a inclus?o
Cultural Distinction and the Example of the “Third East German Generation” : Borders and Border Regions in Europe Changes, Challen...
Neurobehavioral and genotoxic parameters of antipsychotic agent aripiprazole in mice
Effect of Inhaled Corticosteroids on Episodes of Wheezing Associated with Viral Infection in School Age Children: Randomised Double ...
Artesunate Reduces but Does Not Prevent Posttreatment Transmission of Plasmodium falciparum to Anopheles gambiae
Transcript Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at High Salinity
Successful short term treatment of severe undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy with the anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal ...
Glenn, E., R. Tanner, S. Mendez, T. Kehret, D. Moore, J. Garcia, and C. Valdes. Growth rates, salt tolerance and water use character...