- Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.
Dissimilation and Regression of Education Plan:Pondering on Karl Jaspers' s Relation between Education and Plan1913–2013 : Karl Jaspers, cent ans deThe structure-specific endonuclease Ercc1-Xpf is required to resolve DNA interstrand cross-link-induced double-strand breaks.Molecular mechanism of nucleotide excision repair.The DNA double-strand break repair gene hMRE11 is mutated in individuals with an ataxia-telangiectasia-like disorder.A new type of radiosensitive T–B–NK+ severe combined immunodeficiency caused by a LIG4 mutationLocalization of an ataxia-telangiectasia gene to chromosome 11q22|[ndash]|23High Sensitivity of BRCA1-Deficient Mammary Tumors to the PARP Inhibitor AZD2281 Alone and in Combination with Platinum DrugsMedical Assessment of Adverse Health Outcomes in Long-term Survivors of Childhood Cancer时代的精神状况