Jejune BugsA Jejune Heuristic Mesh TheoremWhich Intestines Are Jejune?Gastric-duodenum-jejune trichobezoar: videolaparoscopic managementNew Film Documents the Enigma of The Jejune InstituteP0018 ATRIAL FLUTTER AND JEJUNE VOLVULUS: ASSOCIATION OR COINCIDENCE?Ultraestructural alterations in the equine jejune villi after distension.Molecular characterisation and analysis of Campylobacter jejune flagellin genes and proteinsUse of glutamine to treatment of ischemia and reperfusion lesions in equine jejune.“V pustyne chakhloi i skupoi...” Iurii Druzhnikov pod gradom poslushlivykh strel [“A desert barren and jejune...” Yuri Druzhniko...