Stadsstraat, vrouw in jellaba, moderne man in blauwe jasHikimdar vs. Jellaba : the impact of the Turkiyya on the political economy of the nineteenth century Sudan : 1821Mystery in a Jellabah: Cultural Worlds in Borges’s Historia Universal De La InfamiaPARTIE 3: UTILISATION DES TERRESChapitre 10: Les monts Nuba du Soudan : Accès aux ressources, conflit violent et identitéH eterogyn is je lla b a spec. nov. und H etero g yn is rifen sis spec, nov., zwei neue nordafrikamsche H eterogyn is-Arten aus Maro...Resistance and response: Ethnocide and genocide in the Nuba Mountains, SudanGeneration and Migration: Identity Crisis and Political Change among the Moro of the Nuba MountainsDjebala. (Jbāla)Some Aspects of Rural Marketing Systems and Peasant Farming in Maridi District, Southern SudanState-building and the politics of national identity in Morocco