JerrycanJerrycanJerrycanSPLASHPROOF JERRYCANEen jerrycan met een verrassingEen jerrycan vol zeewier: Saccorhiza, Cutleria en Aglaozonia«Hey, Mrs. Jerrycan!»: the social management of the water crisis in Hombori (Mali)Wehrmacht Kanister 20 Liter: A German Invention -- the JerrycanProteus : desenvolvimento de um jerrycan inclusivo otimizado para a logística humanitária.Journey of Jerrycan, Sustainable Local Product Design Development for SMEs Designers :A Case study from Kampala, UgandaPerancangan In-Line QC untuk kemasan pouch dan jerrycan pada filling plant di PT SMART TbkHey! Mrs Jerrycan! Ordinary vulnerabilities and responses, resistance, resilience and adaptation to water crises in the Malien Sahel...Jerrycan for storing and transporting of free flowing material such as engine oil has on upper side a slot accessible from outside a...