Job-SharingJob-sharing(일자리나누기)의 도입에 따른 노동법,사회보장법적 과제Job-SharingJ. BaldwinPart-time work, part-time, job sharing, flexibilities, flexible work arrangementsAppropriate Protection, Promotion and Access to Benefit-sharing of Traditional Herbal Medicinal Knowledge in UgandaSharing non(personal) data: the case of neuro-imagingCheat (a short-story)On the fascicle of blood-sucking Diptera In addition a description of the maxillary glands in Phlebotomus papatasi, together with th...Crisis forcasting using the Markov Renewal modelReading-related Literacy Learning of Young Adults with Down Syndrome: Findings from a three year teaching and research programTracking Trace Amounts of Submicrometer Silica Particles in Wastewaters and Activated Sludge Using Silica-Encapsulated DNA BarcodesCommensurate (CHN)[MoO]·4HO and incommensurate (CHN)[MoO]·4.66HO: a structural versatility linked to solvent content