- The floor joist was cracked and fractured, but no debris was deposited in the basement.
地板托梁破裂折断,但是在地下室并未落下碎片。 - The purpose of transferring loads to the joist and wiping out the columns can be achieved safely.
Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab Floors
Impact sound insulation in light wooden joist floor - Variation in field measurements
Formwork arrangement for manufacturing ring joist or peripheral tie beam of concreted wall parts on masonry in buildings, has holder...
Indium-111 labeled platelets: Studies on preparation and evaluation of in vitro and in vivo functions
Effectiveness of hydroxyapatite-vancomycin bone cement in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus induced chronic osteomyelitis
The impact of heparin concentration and activated clotting time monitoring on blood conservation * : A prospective, randomized evalu...
Inhibition of thromboxane synthesis ameliorates the progressive kidney disease of rats with subtotal renal ablation.
Indium-III: a new radionuclide label for studying human platelet kinetics.
Demonstration and partial characterization of insulin receptors in human platelets