- A beam across an opening, such as a hearth, into which the ends of joists can be fitted.
Reinforced bar joisted for top boardNEW MECHANICALLY-JOISTED SEGMENT TUNNEL LININGDynamic and acoustic properties of a joisted floorDesign Calculation Method for Joisted Isotropic Decking under Concentrated LoadLOW FREQUENCY IMPACT SOUND TRANSMISSION THROUGH TIMBER-JOISTED FLOORSLOW FREQUENCY IMPACT SOUND TRANSMISSION THROUGH TIMBER-JOISTED FLOORSDesign Calculation Method for Joisted Decking of Moderate Orthotropy subjected to Concentrated LoadEffects of flooring, topping and underlayment on impact sound insulation of wood-joisted floor-ceiling assembliesEffects of flooring, topping, and underlayment on impact sound insulation of wood-joisted floor-ceiling assembliesVibration and low-frequency impact sound generated by normal human walking in lightweight wood-joisted floor-ceiling assemblies