- My son-in-law has bought a second car,but it's merely to keep up with the Joneses because his wife can't even drive.
Choosing the Joneses: Endogenous Goals and Reference Standardsof LaborChoosing the Joneses: Endogenous Goals and Reference StandardsHabit Formation, Catching up with the Joneses, and Economic GrowthHabit Formation, Catching up with the Joneses, and Non-Scale GrowthGrowth, habit formation, and catching-up with the JonesesWhen the Joneses' consumption hurts: Optimal public good provision and nonlinear income taxation ☆Keeping One Step Ahead of the Joneses: Status, the Distribution of Wealth, and Long Run GrowthAsset Prices under Habit Formation and Catching up with the JonesesHoarding of International Reserves: Mrs Machlup's Wardrobe and the JonesesTax Policy and Aggregate Demand Management under Catching up with the Joneses