IfnoneofthejudokascompletesanIppon by the end of the game,thewinner is the onetohavescoredthegreatestvaluepoint.
Injuries among judokas during competition.The Progress Achieved By Judokas After Strength Training With A Judo-Specific MachineÉvaluation du profil énergétique des judokas par spectroscopie RMN du P 31Sport-specific characteristics of trunk muscles in collegiate wrestlers and judokasThe effect of time-of-day and judo match on short-term maximal performances in judokasPhysical performance attributes of junior and senior women, juvenile, junior, and senior men judokasThe cartilage intermediate layer protein gene is associated with lumbar disc degeneration in collegiate judokasAnálisis de las diferencias de los indicadores de fuerza explosiva, potenica y resistenica a la fuerza explosiva en judokas de elit...APORTACIONES DEL ANÁLISIS SUBDIMENSIONAL DEL CUESTIONARIO DE PERSONALIDAD BFQ PARA LA PREDICCIÓN DEL RENDIMIENTO EN JUDOKAS JÓVEN...Aportaciones del análisis subdimensional del cuestionario de personalidad BQF para la predicción del rendimiento en judokas jóven...