JugumJugumjugumJugum cerebellare intersemilunare.Jugum cerebellare intersemilunarae in Thais.[PLANUM (JUGUM) SPHENOIDAL MENINGIOMA]XML Treatment for Chrysis jugumOssifying fibroma of the jugum sphenoidale.Clavus and jugum venation in beetle (Coleoptera) wings and its genesisThe Jugum and Salinity Tolerance of Greenfieldia (Brachiopoda: Late Silurian)The clavus and jugum venation in the wings of beetles (Coleoptera) and its genesis[Aetiologies of "blistering"of the jugum. A case of meningioma (author's transl)]Comarca de Jerez (Cádiz) : cooperativas artesanas JUGUM : aficiones que unen